The Solution
How will the NoEmissioners address these problems?
There may not be much the NoEmissioners can do currently other than promote carbon-neutral ways to live but there is an awful lot of things humanity can do as a whole. Even the smallest actions can make the biggest differences when combined together. Below is a short list of some of the crucial steps we can take to reversing the beast that is Climate Change:
Increase the price of petrol/diesel vehicles while decreasing the price of electric/green cars.
Cease production of petrol/diesel vehicles altogether.
Use clean alternative energies to fossil fuels. E.g. Solar power, Wind power, etc.
(For the individual) Travel by cycling or walking instead of using vehicles driven by petrol/diesel.
Turn off lights and electrical appliances when not in use.
The main aims and objectives of our campaign:
To raise awareness in the world about the impact that greenhouse gas levels, primarily from petrol/diesel cars, can have on the future of our planet.
To promote more eco-friendly and efficient transport alternatives like cycling or walking.
Located below is a pie chart comparing the effectiveness of the main methods to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions per person.
Why you should try to contribute to this cause:
The reason why you should contribute to eliminating is because this is possibly the most serious threat that mankind has ever known. This is partly because Climate Change is starting to find its way into our biosphere and affecting certain animals' habitats for the worse. An example of this is the melting of the polar ice caps where certain species live.
As explained earlier, Climate Change is becoming exponentially serious and, who knows, maybe in a century or two, humanity will succumb to it and will become extinct. It is true that we are slowly starting to actively turn the odds in our favour but the change needs to take place at a much faster rate. The amount of things we are doing to reverse Climate Change pales in comparison to the amount of things we still have the chance to do, to save us and our planet.